Centro Cultural - Banco Central del Paraguay Federación Rusa y Augusto Roa Bastos Asunción - Paraguay
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Keynote: Regional Energy Integration
Time: 09:00 to 10:30
Room: To be confirmed
The objective of this keynote panel is to analyze the potential of energy integration in Latin America and the Caribbean as a key strategy to overcome market fragmentation, infrastructure limitations and regulatory barriers, with a view to sustainable energy development in the region.
The opportunities offered by the integration of electricity, gas, markets, processes and technologies will be discussed, highlighting how it can improve energy security, optimize infrastructure, reduce costs, strengthen local capacities and mitigate climate change.
In particular, the role of natural gas in the energy transition will be examined, including its coexistence with decarbonization and its synergies with renewable energies and sustainable mobility.
Authorities, regulators and industry experts will discuss the challenges and opportunities associated with these issues.
Director global, Práctica global de energía e industrias extractiva - WB
Claudia Centurión
Minister MOPC
Gender Keynote
Time:14:00 to 14:30
Room: To be confirmed
Leticia Ocampos
Government of Paraguay
Damilola Ogunbiyi
CEO and UN SRSG Sustainable Energy for All
Clean Hydrogen Industry in LAC
Time:14:30 to 16:00
Room: To be confirmed
Gloria Alvarenga
Director of Integration, Access and Energy Security OLADE
Gustavo Cazal
Director of Alternative Energies Vice-Ministry of Energy - Paraguay
Integration and gender approach – Progress and new challenges
Time: 14:30 to 16:00
Room: To be confirmed
The aim is to examine persistent gender inequality in the energy sector in Latin America and the Caribbean, and explore effective strategies to address this challenge. Barriers faced by women in terms of representation, educational opportunities, pay gap and professional development in the energy industry will be analysed. The panel will seek to identify concrete actions to improve the insertion of girls and young people in stem careers, as well as policies and practices that promote gender equity at all levels of the sector. Progress to date will be discussed and new approaches to gender mainstreaming in the context of energy transition, climate change and the circular economy will be explored in order to create a more inclusive, diverse and equitable energy sector in the region.
María Francisca Valenzuela
Moderator Head of the Gender and Human Rights Office Ministry of Energy -Chile
Iris Cárdenas Pino
Advisor to the Ministerial Office Ministry of Mines and Energy - Peru
Virginia Snyder
Lead Energy Specialist IDB
Florencia Balestro
Energy Specialist World Bank
Lorena Mendez
Vice Minister of Industry Ministry of Industry and Commerce - Paraguay
Low Emission Methane & NG Observatory
Time:14:30 to 16:00
Room: To be confirmed
The objective of this roundtable is to analyze the strategic importance of Low Emission Natural Gas (LENG) in the context of the energy transition and climate change mitigation in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). Through the implementation of the Observatory of Methane Emissions of LAC (OEMLAC), it seeks to strengthen the capacity of countries to manage and reduce their emissions of methane (CH4), a gas with a global warming potential 20 times greater than carbon dioxide (CO2). The panel will provide a space for authorities, multilateral agencies, climate funds, National Hydrocarbon Companies and other key actors to discuss how the LENG can play a crucial role in regional decarbonization and in formulating effective strategies to address methane within climate change adaptation and mitigation policies.
Andrea Stegher
Vice President OLADE
Irene Alfaro
Managing Director ARPEL
Juan Pablo Letelier
Luz Stella Murgas
President Colombian Natural Gas Association
Carolina Kholer
CFR Carbon Footprint Representative TotalEnergies
II Regulators Forum
Time:16:30 to 18:00
Room: To be confirmed
The objective of the II Regulators Forum 2024, within the framework of the IX Energy Week and in collaboration with the European Program Get.transform, is to examine the regulatory challenges related to the energy transition and the integration of electricity systems in Latin America and the Caribbean. The event will feature the presentation of the study “Regulation for Future Electricity Markets in Latin America and the Caribbean” and a panel discussion with electricity regulatory authorities from selected countries, focused on identifying and sharing best practices to promote the transition to clean energy and greater regional integration of electricity systems. Regulatory barriers in transmission and distribution, future regulatory needs in the face of new technologies will be addressed, and how to overcome challenges and take advantage of opportunities in the region will be discussed.
General Director Oficina Nacional de Uso Racional de la Energía - Cuba
Eusebio Aruquipa
Executive Director Autoridad de Fiscalización de Electricidad y Tecnología Nuclear - Bolivia
Marco Mancilla
Executive Secretary Comisión Nacional de Energía - Chile
Gas Integration
Time:16:30 to 18:00
Room: To be confirmed
The aim is to explore how to strengthen gas integration in Latin America and the Caribbean to facilitate the decarbonization of the regional energy matrix. Despite robust development in the Southern Cone, with a pipeline infrastructure and active trade, the region presents a variety of production, consumption and marketing profiles. The roundtable will focus on identifying opportunities to deepen gas integration, assessing the potential of new infrastructure, managing risks associated with the underutilization of gas pipelines, and implementing good practices learned from the most advanced countries in energy integration. How natural gas can serve as a valuable transition fuel and ensure a low-emission energy supply while moving towards renewables will be discussed.
Ernesto Lopez Anadon
Executive Director IAPG
Esteban Kiper
Specialist in Electric and Gas Systems OLADE
Pedro Mirás
President WPC ENERGY
Julio Albertini
Director of Hydrocarbons Vice-Ministry of Energy - PY
Timmy Baksh
Director Energy Research and Planning Division at Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries
Adding value to energy: Certification
Time:14:30 to 18:00
Room: To be confirmed
The objective of this discussion table is to examine the crucial role of certifications in the energy transition of Latin America and the Caribbean. It will explore how certification systems can drive the adoption of clean and efficient technologies, build market confidence and open up new business opportunities. The panel will look at the specific challenges developing countries face in implementing these systems, their impact on attracting investment and technology transfer, as well as future trends in renewable energy certification and energy efficiency. It will seek to identify strategies to strengthen collaboration between governments, industry and civil society in the development of effective standards, and how to adapt certification criteria to new technologies and changes in the energy market, in order to contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable economy in the region.
Fitzgerald Cantero
Director of Studies, Projects and Information OLADE
Cesar Berni
Consultant National Biomass Certification Program - PY